Mirrione, Shaughnessy & Uitti, LLC
Real Estate Contract Lawyers
Whether you need assistance with contract drafting, negotiation, review or litigation, our skilled attorneys have the knowledge and expertise to protect your interests.
Real Estate
Acquisitions & Disposition

Whether you are a commercial property investor looking to negotiate and draft a real estate purchase agreement, a condominium association seeking to review and revise your bylaws or a party involved in a land contract, our skilled attorneys the knowledge and expertise to help. We will work with you to ensure that your contracts and agreements are legally sound, accurately reflect your intentions and protect your rights.
Our real estate contract attorneys are committed to providing personalized service and attention to each of our clients. We recognize that every situation is unique and we take the time to understand your specific needs and objectives. Whether you need assistance with contract drafting, negotiation, review or litigation, we are here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with one of our attorneys.
Get in Touch
Whether you need representation with a real estate, construction, litigation, landlord-tenant or condominium/HOA matter, we are ready to start a conversation.